

The installation should be straightforward as almost all requirements are provided by distribution packages on Linux and VCPKG on Microsoft Windows.


Until now, only Ubuntu 21.10 is fully supported, other distributions may work but have not been tested.

If not already installed (please, note the recommended version):

  1. Install git [>= 2.27.0]

  2. Install Python [>= 3.8.6]

  3. Install CMake [>= 3.19.6]

  4. Install Ninja [>= 1.10.0]

  5. Install a C++ compiler and other development libraries.

These install steps depend on the linux distribution you use. Here, instructions are given for Ubuntu.

First Git, Python, Ninja and C++ compiler can be installed with the following commands:

$ sudo apt install build-essential ninja-build git git-lfs

For an up-to-date CMake:

$ sudo snap install cmake --classic

And dependency development libraries:

$ sudo apt install dcmtk libarchive-dev libboost-all-dev libceres-dev libcppunit-dev \
libexpat1-dev libfftw3-dev libgdcm-dev libglm-dev libinsighttoolkit5-dev \
libogre-1.12-dev libopencv-dev libopenigtlink-dev libqt5opengl5-dev \
libqt5x11extras5-dev libvtk9-dev libvtkgdcm-dev libvtk9-qt-dev \
qt3d5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qtquickcontrols2-5-dev qttools5-dev zlib1g-dev zstd \
libpng-dev libtiff5-dev libhdf5-dev libann-dev

The last step is optional, but required to build integrated documentation:

$ sudo apt install doxygen graphviz gnuplot

Source tree layout

Good practices in Sight recommend to separate source files, build and install folders. So to prepare the development environment:

  • Create a development folder (Dev)

  • Create a build folder (Dev/Build).


    The build folder is where sources will be compiled.

    • Add a sub folder for Debug and Release.

  • Create a source folder (Dev/Src)


    The source folder is where sources will be cloned.

  • Create an install folder (Dev/Install).


    The install folder is where the binaries will be installed, independently from sources or intermediate object files.

    • Add a sub folder for Debug and Release.


Of course you can name the folders as you wish, or choose a different layout, but keep in mind to not build inside the source directory. This is strongly discouraged by CMake authors.

Setting up your environment

Make sure all of your Prerequisites are loaded into your path correctly, for all installation made through apt or snap this is done automatically. If you use custom versions, be sure to add them manually with a command similar to :

> export PATH=<PATH_TO_ADD>:${PATH}


Writing a .sh script that loads all these previous locations to your path can save you time and effort!

Building your sources

$ cd Dev/Src
$ git clone
  • Go into your Build directory (Debug or Release). Here is an example if you want to compile in debug:

$ cd Dev/Build/Debug


Make sure your environment is properly set : Setting up your environment .

  • Call cmake-gui.

$ cmake-gui .


  • Set the desired Build directory (e.g. Dev/Build/Debug or Release)

  • Set the desired Source directory (e.g. Dev/Src/sight)

  • Click on “configure”.

  • During configure step, choose the generator ‘Ninja’ to compile Sight sources.


An error will be raised, which is perfectly normal if you don’t have set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to either Debug, Release or RelWithDebInfo. You can set it now and click again on “configure”.


If you compile an other project than sight, you will need to set the sight_DIR to the following path <SIGHT_INSTALL_PATH>/lib/cmake/sight.


Set the following arguments:


Set to Debug or Release or RelWithDebInfo.


Set the install location (e.g. Dev/Install/Debug).


If you are generating an a sight-dependant project that you expect to integrate as a dependance in a third project, it is recommended to set the same CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as for sight.


If you generate a _Sight_ dependent project, set to [path to sight install dir]/lib/cmake/sight.

  • Click on “generate”.

If you want to launch the cmake through the command line with the appropriate parameters:

$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
$ cmake ../../Src/sight -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../Install/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Dsight_DIR=[sight install dir]/lib/cmake/sight


Compile Sight source code using ninja in the console:

  • Go to the build directory (e.g. Dev/Build/Debug or Dev/Build/Release)

  • Use ninja if you want to compile everything.

  • Use ninja name_of_application to compile only one application.

$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
$ ninja

Launch an application

After a successful compilation any previously built application can be launched with the appropriate script from Sight.

You will find in the Build/bin directory an automatically generated script with the same name (on lowercase) as the application you built.


If you are running a _Sight_ application which depends on a secondary project which depends on sight, you should add -B [secondary  project install dir]/share/[secondary project]/


If you have issues with some file dialogs which don’t open properly, you should add XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=qt before your application run.

$ cd Dev/Build/Debug
$ XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=qt ./bin/myapplication  -B [secondary  project install dir]/share/[secondary project]/


This automatically generated script loads all the needed packages locations and adds them temporarily to your PATH variable. Feel free to take a look inside.

Generate an installer

Follow these two steps:

  • Run ninja install application_to_install in the Build directory

  • Run ninja package in the Build directory

The installer will be generated in the Build directory.

Known issues

We use some fine tuned compiler flags (like /arch:AVX2) to optimize and generate code specifically for CPUs that were released around 2013 and later. It means, if your CPU is too old, Sight will crash at runtime with an error like Illegal instruction because some CPU instructions are not implemented. In such situation, you can modify hidden cmake variable SIGHT_ARCH at configuring time or modify the default compiler flag directly in Sight CMake code.

Need some help? Keep in touch!

As any active community, we sighters are happy to help each other or beginners however we can. Feel free to join us and share with us your questions or comments at our Gitter . We provide support in French or English.